A New Blog For Busy Women with Big Dreams
Practical Tips for Busy Women with Big Dreams
Our blog provides practical tips to help you build confidence in your entrepreneurial skills. As I follow my dreams and turn my ideas into income, I will show you how you can begin taking clear simple steps today so that you can live the life you dream about tomorrow.
Make sure you Subscribe at the bottom of this post to get consistent updates if you are a woman that is interested in starting a new business but doesn’t have a clue where to begin. Start here. It’s FREE.
The Million Dollar Mama Club Blog will support you with:
- Provide you with real time insights from an entrepreneur that has successfully built a thriving business and made millions of dollars doing so.
- Sharpen your entrepreneurial skills. Decision making is a huge part of succeeding as an entrepreneur. The business adventure you are embarking on is full of better and best decisions that require your attention.
- Learn to value your own ideas AND learn from others.
- Learn strategy to turn your ideas into income.
- Learn whether entrepreneurship is really for you. So many people glamorize business ownership. While there can be glamorous, fun aspects to it and perks that come when you work from home,
About Me
My name is Jenna Paulson, and I am the founder of the Million Dollar Mama Club™. Long before opening this site and creating the resources for our best-selling program the Dream Biz Beginner Membership, I was already a business owner.
I started my first business at 22 and it was through this first business I have been able to create personal and financial freedom. The freedom I found through business ownership didn’t just benefit me, it truly benefited my children. On the deepest level, business ownership has allowed me to be a better mom and provider than I ever imagined possible as single mom (story for another day).
Me, Bella & Liam on a Family Trip to Costa Rica
Here are 5 reasons why business ownership has helped me put my family first:
- I can put my family first because I create my own schedule. This means that I can make my children’s needs the priority.
- I make more as a business owner than I would as a salaried employee doing the same job.
- I am able to provide greater financial stability. No one is controlling my salary or my time. I don’t need to wait on a raise. I can choose to take on more work to make more money. This helps me achieve goals that are above and beyond the immediate needs of my family like buying and designing my dream house and enjoying vacations and activities together.
- I can set my goals for progress and achieve them–the sky is the limit. If I have an idea I am free to run with it. I don’t need approval from a boss.
- I save time by working from home. Working from home allows me more flexibility to wake up early and knock out a few hours of work before the kids have even opened their eyes. It allows me to extend hours one week so that I can take the next week off or make myself available for a special event I might otherwise miss.
Since starting my first business, I’ve never looked back. I’ve learned that my dreams have value. That it is vitally important to listen to that small voice inside of you that says you are made for more. When I started my first business I took a risk and invested in my own future. Looking back it is so easy to see the positives and that the fear and challenges I encountered at the beginning were worth it. BUT, it didn’t always feel this way.
In the beginning, at the start of my entrepreneurial journey, there were so many days when I questioned my decision making.
I wondered if…
…anyone would ever need my service.
…if I was really better than the competition.
…my business was going to make it or if I was doomed to failure.
…I was smart enough, if I had what it takes.
…I would make enough to both pay my bills and plan for the future.
…I’d made a mistake when I quit my job to follow my dream.
Some days I was confident. I told everyone about the business I was starting. On these days I was passionate and so excited about the future. Other days I was filled with doubt. Some days it felt there was so much to be done. Other days I felt stuck in a rut. I couldn’t see or sense a way to keep moving forward.
The Beginning is the Hardest Part
If you’ve ever considered starting your first business or writing and selling your first book, you probably have thought many of these same things. You have probably sensed how paralyzing self-doubt and fear can be. This is exactly why I started Diary of an Entrepreneur. So that you would realize that you are not alone in your feelings and experiences AND that there is a way forward that will result in building the business and life you’ve always dreamed of. So, if you found this post encouraging make sure that you subscribe so that you can receive weekly diary entries.
Dream Biz Beginner Membership
You can use this diary to inspire and guide you as you consider pursuing your own dreams and turning your ideas into income. When you’re ready to start following your dreams at your own pace, check out our Dream Biz Beginner Membership. This exclusive program was developed by me for busy women with big dreams. Our passion is to help any woman that has a ‘someday’ in her heart feel encouraged to move forward. If you’re not quite ready to put your ideas into action but want to be, subscribe to this site for free to continue learning more.
Why Are Million Dollar Mama Club™ Resources SO EASY TO USE?
Our resources–including The Playbook–are feminine, fun and practical. Our tools are intentionally easy to use and require no business experience. This is because most entrepreneurs and business owners aren’t actually business majors. They didn’t necessarily get a special degree or take a specific course to start their business. The business owners I know are dreamers. They are passionate people with big, wild ideas. They are risk takers. As far as women go, the women business owners I know are HIGHLY MOTIVATED to work independently because they want to be with their kids as much as possible.
Start Following Your ‘Someday’ Dream TODAY
If you are a woman that has a dream she wants to someday pursue, I believe today is the day you should begin working towards it. If you want to write a book, start writing. Whether you want to open a coffee shop or the cutest little boutique in town, I believe today is the day to start making your plan and taking steps to ensure your ‘someday’ becomes a reality.
The Million Dollar Mama Club™ is designed to support your very FIRST STEP into business. The best part is, you set the pace. Our goal is to get you started taking clear steps forward. Learn to stop daydreaming so that you can start creating the kind of life you always talk about. You don’t have to finish tomorrow or be ready to quit your job next week. Taking small steps toward your big goals is the action that your dreams require.
For Busy Women
(working moms, stay at home moms, writers, artists, professionals–no kids required!)
I wanted to create the perfect place for any woman with a big dream to get started investing in herself and her ideas and that is how the Million Dollar Mama Club™ came to be. I understand that you are likely stressed. I understand you might feel out of time before you even start. That you are probably on a tight budget. The tools and content you find here is user beginner level, provided achievable goals and is based on real business success.
Welcome to a new place, made especially for you!
