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How to Become a Millionaire (in the Next 10 Years)

First of all, YES, it can be done faster but I think that becoming a millionaire in 10 years is a fair goal and achievable. The idea of Million Dollar Mama Club wasn’t making money, it is equipping you to pursue your dreams. And dreams, my friend, are a lifelong pursuit.

If you want to become a millionaire fast I suppose you could make a one or two year plan to try and go all in towards the goal you set your mind to, HOWEVER, no life and (no plan for that matter) goes according to plan. As a single mom I can say that with 100% confidence from real lessons learned in real time. I was a new business owner when I became a mom (through unplanned pregnancy no less) and it was a curve ball that I wasn’t expecting. While my unplanned pregnancy didn’t mean that it was the end of the line for pursuing my career goals, what it did mean

So buckle up, the road to millionaire status is free for anyone to walk on but it isn’t an easy journey. If you’re a woman that wants to make more money here are a few great concepts to understand that I learned along the way:

Have A Clear Understanding of Your Vision

Basically, if you don’t know where you are going it is going to be impossible to get there. I believe that to become a millionaire in the next 10 years and achieve your financial goals you have to really know not just what you want to do but why you want to do it. If you just start marching forward but you don’t know why you are doing what you are doing it is going to be very hard to push through the fear and self-doubt that you will face on your business adventure. You will end up stuck and it will be hard to get yourself out of that place. Clarifying your vision-what and why-is a vital step in your journey forward.

Create A General Plan for Your Business (Written Down)

This is the most basic tool that you can begin with and its FREE. Write down your plan to pursue your dreams. This plan might be very general at first. Maybe it will be less than a page. But as you develop it, add points of action and make lists of tasks that you need to do to achieve each step in your plan to pursue your dreams and start your business.

Acquire a Willingness to Listen

Others have been where you are right now: at the beginning. Most business owners have MANY STORIES TO TELL, LESSONS TO SHARE and KNOWLEDGE THEY ARE WILLING TO IMPART. Be discerning in your sources for business advice but be willing to listen. When you begin a new business adventure you really don’t have any clue where it will take you but no matter how many turns you take, in your life as an entrepreneur, you are going forward (even when it doesn’t feel like it).

Be Dedicated to Your Dream

Extra important and I cannot stress this enough: if you are not dedicated to your  own dream, NO ONE ELSE WILL BE. Period. That’s it, end of story. Only you are equipped to pursue your dream. And, if your dream happens to be related to building your first business and establishing yourself financially then your dedication to your dream will do THREE MAJOR THINGS for you:

  1. Set you apart from the competition.
  2. Establish your voice in the arena.
  3. Sell your product or service (so that you can make more money).

Energy and excitement is contagious. Growth is something that people WANT to be a part of and are looking for. Your dedication will result in growth.

Work Hard—Consistently!

Working really hard for a week or a month or 6 months is one thing. But, dreamers can’t stop there. As you build you might experience setbacks that lead to frustration, anxiety and a sense of despair. What ever you do, don’t get so down on your business that you stop before it really has a chance to flourish. There are very few businesses/ideas/dreams that become instant, overnight successes. Your dedication to your dream and your consistent pursuit of it will open and create new opportunities and expand your reach more than you could ever imagine. But if you stop yourself short, when things are difficult, when you feel consumed by work or when you feel like a failure just because building is harder work YOU SELL YOURSELF SHORT OF THE FINISH LINE.

That kind of pattern has to end if you want to produce a real change in your life and business. It’s similar to working out. Work outs are exhausting. Sometimes your legs don’t want to move. Sometimes you talk yourself out of what you should be doing. You never actually SEE IMMEDIATE RESULTS. But it doesn’t mean that you aren’t getting stronger, healthier, thinner or more fit. Just because it is unlikely that you will become a millionaire overnight, or in a month or two months, doesn’t mean that pursuing your dream—what you were made to do—can’t get you there. It just means that you have to WORK HARD—CONSISTENTLY.

Make realistic goals for yourself so that you can measure results and make good decisions as you pursue your dream.  

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Ladies, listen up! Pursuing a dream will require you to be uncomfortable some of the time. You MUST get used to this. If pursuing your dream didn’t require some level of discomfort I can guarantee you would have already achieved it. So really take this in: get ready to be uncomfortable. Not for the rest of your life but for now. In the beginning. Typically the pursuit of a dream allows you to do something you love and are passionate about, HOWEVER, you will not love every aspect of what it takes to achieve your dream or build a business. Plain and simple. Some of it, if I’m honest, just is really hard, tedious and sucky. A lot of what I’ve done is not ‘fun’ by any stretch of the imagination. BUT, here’s the good news: if you get through the uncomfortable parts of pursuing your dream, and you reach/achieve your goal, you’ll kind of forget the hard parts as you truly realize what you accomplished.

Thank you for reading! If you loved this article and feel inspired and ready to pursue your dream, I encourage you to #gettheplaybook (also available on Amazon). Written for all the #dreamersthatdo, #MDMC and ladies that know they are #madeformore.

Let’s idea share and help each other get more comfortable as we do the great work of becoming the women that we were made to be.

Please share what makes you most uncomfortable about pursuing your dream or in your line of work below!


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